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G.O.A.T. Building Stronger Bonds Family Engagement Workshop. This three day workshop following a two-week, two-day-a-week workshop series is designed to help families overcome trauma, bridge generational differences, strengthen relationships, and enhance decision-making skills.

The workshop will be held after school from Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 4pm-5pm or 5-6pm, or on Saturdays at 12pm or 2pm. We'll cover a variety of topics, including:

Trauma:How to identify and heal from trauma, both individual and generational.

Relationships:How to build stronger relationships with your family members, both within and across generations.

Decision-making: How to make better decisions as a family and as individuals.

We'll also offer a certificate of completion, family coaching, one-on-one coaching, activities, and a plan of action to help you apply what you learned in the workshop.

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